1. MUST have a site!
2. No porn or racism sites. Hate sites are allowed as long as it`s a person`s own opinion.
3. You can`t bribe me to make your site win with graphics or wateva but donations would be greatly apreciated though
4. You`ll find the nominate page by clicking on the banner above.
5. If you clicked on the banner above then you`ve been punk`d
6. Must sign the tagboard to be nominated
7. You MUST put one of my codes on your site and it must either be on the 1st or links page. If I don`t see my code in any page of your site then I`ll take off your site from the nominees.
8. You`ll find the nominate page by clicking on the 2nd code on the last code on the codes page (
<---that one!)
9. You have to nominate you own site!
10. You can nominate for how many categories you want as long as they`re the ones that apply to your site.
11. Geenah`s Choice is optional and if you wanna be in it put
maybe where it says "Have you read the rules?"
12. Must visit my other sites:
Obviously Ron and Hermione
Red and Blonde
Rebellion 21 Back?